
The organizational process area is the engine of the social fabric of the OFP and the coordinator of the actions promoted by the Organization in the territory. It articulates the defense of the Human Rights of women to the practices of community construction, to local leadership and the spaces of Casas de la Mujer.

Popular Feminist Economics

The organizational process area is the engine of the social fabric of the OFP and the coordinator of the actions promoted by the Organization in the territory. It articulates the defense of the Human Rights of women to the practices of community construction, to local leadership and the spaces of Casas de la Mujer.

The women’s bazaar is an initiative of the Popular Women’s Organization, which seeks to generate fair trade scenarios in the community. This is a process articulated with the network of producers and consumers, and to which social and community organizations have been joining. Today we have an additional resource, and it is an application, which is an example of adaptation to new challenges and has made it possible for producers and consumers to have an agile, safe and economical marketing channel. BazarteApp

We are a bionatural community tourism center that solves the individual’s need to connect with nature through experiences such as:
  • Have a gender approach Interactive and demonstrative teaching processes through the transformation of vegetable raw materials.
  • Alternative of community empowerment in interaction with the bionatural. -Rescue of heritage and cultural and ancestral identity.
  • Bioenergetic experiences focused on women’s health.
  • Interactive experience with nature, flora and fauna