Human rights

The Human Rights Area is in charge of promoting actions to defend the human rights of female victims, especially those affected by gender-based, structural, economic, sociopolitical violence and within the framework of the armed conflict, and with this , promote the removal of obstacles that prevent victims from accessing the truth, justice, reparation and the guarantee of non-repetition. Taking into account the above, the Human Rights Area intends to design and implement a strategic direction plan, in its Psychological and Legal services, that carries out a reform that implies the integration of new actions aimed at seeking self-sustainability of the area, strengthening the organizational process and reaffirmed the principles of civility and autonomy, but without forgetting the vulnerable population to whom the reconstruction of the political and social project of the OFP is directed: increase the participation and empowerment of women through the effective enjoyment of their Rights.


The objective is to contribute to the elimination of barriers that prevent women, girls and adolescents in the Region from accessing the administration of justice, promoting the recognition, guarantee and restoration of their human rights. In this sense, psycho-legal interventions consist of guidance, advice and technical-legal representation in favor of women victims of Gender-Based Violence. Likewise, they are an instrument of response to the commitments acquired by the Colombian State in terms of guarantee and protection of the Human Rights of women.

At this level, cases related to different branches of Law are dealt with, namely: civil, labor, criminal and administrative, which do not require further legal intervention, but do imply the development of a line of guidance and specialized information on the access route to justice, which identifies: procedure to be carried out, competent authority, hypothetical scenarios of action and its possible consequences.

Facing this second level of attention, it focuses on queries related to situations directly related to violence against women, within the framework of the classification of Law 1257 of 2008 and Law 1719 of 2014. In this sense, considering the relevance of In these cases, the OFP provides specialized advice, direct accompaniment and permanent follow-up to the citizen who requires it.

As the last specialized level of legal intervention, it is based on the cases attended at the level of legal advice to select those that must be addressed in the degree of judicial representation of the victim. The criteria to define whether to take a case through litigation and integral justice, will be previously evaluated by the Consultative Committee.

Legal advice:
At this level, cases related to different branches of Law are dealt with, namely: civil, labor, criminal and administrative, which do not require further legal intervention, but do imply the development of a line of guidance and specialized information on the access route to justice, which identifies: procedure to be carried out, competent authority, hypothetical scenarios of action and its possible consequences.

Legal Accompaniment:
Facing this second level of attention, it focuses on queries related to situations directly related to violence against women, within the framework of the classification of Law 1257 of 2008 and Law 1719 of 2014. In this sense, considering the relevance of In these cases, the OFP provides specialized advice, direct accompaniment and permanent follow-up to the citizen who requires it.

Judicial Representation:
As the last specialized level of legal intervention, it is based on the cases attended at the level of legal advice to select those that must be addressed in the degree of judicial representation of the victim. The criteria to define whether to take a case through litigation and integral justice, will be previously evaluated by the Consultative Committee.


Strategy through which individual and collective psychological and psychosocial care is provided, aimed at women, girls, adolescents and their families in the Organization’s incidence municipalities. The purpose is to improve the quality of life and the psychosocial well-being of the people served, through intervention and prevention in emotional health. The problems addressed emphasize the care of women who suffer any type of violence and/or discrimination for their empowerment as a means of transformation. Psychosocial Approach: From a psychosocial approach, it is about helping to understand the behaviors, emotions, and thoughts of people and groups, without isolating them from the social and cultural context in which they occur.

Gender approach:

“The gender approach considers the different opportunities that men and women have, the interrelationships between them and the different roles that are socially assigned to them. All these issues influence the achievement of goals, policies and plans of national and international organizations and therefore have repercussions on the development process of society. Gender is related to all aspects of the economic and social, daily and private life of individuals and determines characteristics and functions depending on sex or the perception that society has of it”.